Sandusky Swedish Massage

Sandusky Swedish Massage

Qualified Timeless Serenity Massage LLC therapist serving Sandusky and the surrounding area, I offer Swedish massage, (also known as relaxation massage) that incorporates several therapeutic techniques adapted to your individual needs. From light, to moderate or deep pressure, Swedish massage techniques can be targeted to provide a range of solutions that include recovery from injury, to relaxation and stress reduction.

Professional Assessments –Personalized treatment plans

Timeless Serenity Massage LLC uses kneading, flowing strokes, stretching and taps that are applied with a deep or light pressure following a thorough assessment of each client’s precise needs.

Swedish Massage Therapy is ideal for:

Significant Stress relief

Many scientific studies have revealed that Swedish massage can considerably lower stress levels. These studies also indicate the connection between the physical relaxation effects of Swedish massage and their connection to a reduction of fatigue and decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Pain relief

Swedish massage has also proven to be beneficial as part of a complete pain management program for sports related injuries and chronic conditions including arthritis. Professionally trained Timeless Serenity Massage LLC I use specific techniques that improve circulation to reduce and manage pain among many other benefits.

Increased Circulation

I use established Swedish massage strokes (Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, Tapotement) that replicate the proper functioning of the circulatory system and help to drain toxins from the body.

Additional benefits of Swedish massage include:

  • Increased mobility and flexibility of the joints and muscles
  • Decreased muscle tension
  • Improved lymphatic circulation
  • Promotes overall well-being

Massage Therapy Treatment for a Variety of Conditions

Swedish massage is often used in conjunction with other conventional treatments as part of a complete health and recovery program to effectively treat a variety of health conditions. I invite the people of Sandusky to call me for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Located in Sandusky serving Sandusky and surrounding areas.

CALL ME AT (419) 504-8294

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